在这起针对科罗拉多斯普林斯市警察和该市的诉讼中, 科罗拉多州的ACLU指控两名黑人客户, Ryan and Benjamin Brown, 警察部门种族偏见执法的“习惯和做法”是否没有根据, racially-motivated stops and searches.


一名挥舞着泰瑟枪的警察命令司机本杰明·布朗(Benjamin Brown)下车.  He was handcuffed, searched without cause, 被关在警车后座上, even though he had been cooperative, no weapons or contraband were found, 也没有证据表明他参与了犯罪.

Ryan Brown 开始用手机录下这次会面. 他一再要求警察查明停车的原因,但没有被理睬.  警察合力把他从车里逼了出来, 把他脸朝下推到雪地里, search him, and handcuff him, all the while at gunpoint.

将Ryan Brown从车里拖出来的警察说他并没有被逮捕,他们只是在检查他是否携带武器.   No weapons were found.  警察抓起瑞恩的手机扔在雪地里.  They then cited Ryan for “obstruction.”

瑞安·布朗立即提出了公民投诉, sbobet篮球的律师撤销了妨碍司法的指控. 

Ryan received a brief boilerplate letter 声明称,警方对该事件进行了“全面和彻底”的调查,并得出结论,警察的行为是 “justified, legal, and proper.”

The lawsuit asserts that Colorado Springs police have an illegal custom and practice of : “(1) engaging in racial profiling at the initial stop of individuals; (2) searching them without reasonable suspicion that they are armed or dangerous; and (3) unnecessarily detaining them for extended periods of time in an effort to build some basis for arrest.”

Update: 在一项和解协议中,科罗拉多斯普林斯支付了21.2万美元赔偿ACLU的客户.  警察局还同意对其有关搜身搜查和人员记录警察活动的政策进行大量改进和修订.  I

ACLU news releases:


Case number

2015-02, 16-cv-02540,